What Getting A Publishing Contract Feels Like

A little bit of this:


And a whole lot of this:

I’m trying to focus more on that first one, but the whole thing is crazy scary.

The road to this point has been paved with hours of writing and rewriting, disappointments, standing in the shower crying and cussing like one of those American Idol contestants who get rejected and flip off the camera, and all sorts of other highs and lows. And there’s a great big part of me that is freaking out that I’ll mess this chance up, let my new editor and team down, or worse, never get really, really good at this thing called writing.

But I’m going to stuff that part down into a drawer, one full of mismatched socks and other useless items, and just keep on going, day by day, word by word. Because this journey has taught me a lot of things, especially this – I’m not alone! I’m surrounded by awesome friends and family, great writing buddies, a terrific agent, and tons of people who want the best for me and this book.  And that feels like this:


  1. amberskyef said:

    It’s so exciting to know when another writer has gotten a contract! I’m still floating on Cloud 9 from mine, but I’m also like, “Great! Now it has to sell!” And that’s where the freak-our wants to explode because the market is fickle and reading is down. But I’m also keeping in mind that I’m in this for the readers, so I will appreciate every single reader who stumbles upon my book and loves it. I will not take a single one of them for granted.

    I am certainly following you to read updates about your book!

    May 17, 2013
  2. Elizabeth Dunn said:

    The way Susan Hawk wrote about it, doesn’t seem like you need to worry. Your book sounds like a whole lot of a-w-esome.- Congrats.

    May 17, 2013
  3. Nice to meet you. Congratulations. It is always inspiring and motivating to read such good news.

    May 17, 2013
  4. C. C. Gevry said:

    Congratulations. I came over from the agency’s blog. How exciting. I have a children’s and teens’ book blog, so I hope you’ll keep me in mind when you’re looking for places to promote your book.

    Best wishes,


    June 9, 2013

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