The Middle-Grade Mojo judges have been busy! They’ve read every entry and have made their decisions. Do you want to know who won? Sorry, that’s classified, but I can tell you that they were very impressed with the stories.
Fear not, the winners will be announced this Friday on the Middle-Grade Mojo blog. In the meantime, have a look at the brand new trailer for Hope In The Holler. I had this done by a very talented animator named Arjun Singh that I met in India. He’s amazing and captured Wavie and her story perfectly. Leave a comment if you enjoyed it!
Have a great week and I will see you on Friday!
Hi I’m Joshua and I was a special shout-out winner for the Sammy McClure Bertie contest on March 30th and the said you could get a free autographed book singed and I was hoping to get Last in a long line of rebels hopefully I can get it. My email address is