You could always write about a poor little girl who’s hearts desire is a silver Christmas Tree. And about the loving family who finds. one for her and arrange for her to have it…
I realize that I’m a little late to the party on this post, but I have a gifted middle schooler who reads a lot of books (considering the fact that he consumed with x-box live). I would love to read THE JUNKMAN’S DAUGHTER and I have the perfect target audience right here in my own home. Why not get a middle schooler’s and his mom’s perspective? : )
Bonsoir mademoiselle Zolliegirl
….Lisa D
…..I wish you well on your book
…would very much like to read it…I have been. following your musings ….and it lightens my heart to find you remain the intelligent wonder I have always admired. You See things that others miss…. Quite an accomplishment For a livingston girl born with no eyes
Hi Lisa, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your experience with Susan Hawk thus far. She’s contacted me regarding writing/illustrating and I would love to pick your brain. Is this contact forum a good place to do that or do you have a separate email address that would be better? thanks much,
It’s so exciting to know when another writer has gotten a contract! I’m still floating on Cloud 9 from mine, but I’m also like, “Great! Now it has to sell!” And that’s where the freak-our wants to explode because the market is fickle and reading is down. But I’m also keeping in mind that I’m in this for the readers, so I will appreciate every single reader who stumbles upon my book and loves it. I will not take a single one of them for granted.
I am certainly following you to read updates about your book!
Congratulations. I came over from the agency’s blog. How exciting. I have a children’s and teens’ book blog, so I hope you’ll keep me in mind when you’re looking for places to promote your book.
YES!!!!! Congratulations LT! So proud of your perseverance and patience. Can’t wait to get a copy into my hands – and the hands of all my family and friends!
Thanks for posting this. Great to hear your thoughts and words of inspiration. I love the bit about stories not existing until the writers write them. It’s awesome and true!
Thanks for posting this, such a good reminder for all of us writers of the complexities that go into making selections 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to post this and be a mentor!
[…] call a “hoot. I have a few hoots in my own family tree. Last week I mentioned the story of John and how his death resulted in some of the worst-named children in history. Today I want to tell you […]
My grandmother (who married her second cousin son of Rhoda ) said that Rhoda was just jealous and he was a good old man. I think he just quit drinking and changed when he got too old or that the divorce petition scared him.
[…] if we were coming to the Andrew Halfacre memorial immediately following the reunion. (You remember Andrew, my great-great grandfather? He was the one who was accused of running around with numerous lewd […]
I love reading your history blogs. Have i missed the story about, John, resulting into OZ, QT, QX, AG, TIPPYS TOPPYS,, and TOE TOE. Crazy family you claim.
I just read Last in a Long Line of Rebels and absolutely loved it!! Great job on the supporting characters and weaving the mystery and the historical issues in with current day issues. It has been a while since I read a book where the supportng characters were just as amazing as the main and you rocked it!! Thank you! I truly enjoyed reading this book!
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] Tweets with images get retweeted 150% more often and it doesn’t get any easier than Spruce. This is very similar to another product I love – wordswag. […]
[…] out there. And speaking of that, another writer friend’s having a book birthday today: Lisa Lewis Tyre and Last in a Long Line of Rebels! She’s also promised to stop by with her book so stay tuned. […]
[…] the way it was when I met Lisa Lewis Tyre, and when her first book came out this month—LAST IN A LONG LINE OF REBELS—I had to invite her to come and share this delightful middle grade novel as well as her […]
I loved this book it was absolutly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Lisa–Every Christmas I give my niece an age-appropriate book, preferably signed by the author. I’d like to give her Last in a Long Line of Rebels this year. Do you have a hometown bookstore that would ship me a signed copy? Thanks!
[…] The Bertie, a short-story contest for 11-13 year olds, was founded by Mafia member, Lisa Lewis Tyre. The contest was named after Bertie, a grandmother, who is one of the most beloved characters in her book, LAST IN A LONG LINE OF REBELS. […]
Hi, I am doing a book report about the Last in a Long line of rebels and for the book report I need to know about your biography, could you write your biography?
I don’t like reading but this book is something great it was awesome I hope theirs a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! The general guidelines are written in the post. The only link you need is the one to upload your story. If for some reason it doesn’t work above, copy and paste this: in your URL. Let me know if you have other problems!
Thanks for entering The Bertie! I’ve put the entries into their two categories,( 10/11 and 12/13) and are sending them to the judges. They’ll each read their entries and pick their tops, then all of the judges will read all of the top contenders. The judges will send me the winner’s list and it will be announced at the end of the month – on Halloween!
Just found your wonderful history musing. Have you read TTU professors Dr. Birdwell and Dr. Dickenson’s book of the Cumberland People? Rural Life and Culture in the Upper Cumberland ? Excellent. My family is from the Higland Rim. Unique and fun to research.
Hi Lisa,
How do we submit my daughter’s short story to Fat Reels? There doesn’t seem to be anywhere that we can upload it. My daughter wrote the story on Word.
Thanks for any insight!
I’m Joshua Ford writer of Class President and I joined the 12 & 13 Bertie contest at Sammy McClure Middle School and I was a special shout out winner and it said you could get a free autographed book and I would love to read last in a long line of rebels
Hi I’m Joshua and I was a special shout-out winner for the Sammy McClure Bertie contest on March 30th and the said you could get a free autographed book singed and I was hoping to get Last in a long line of rebels hopefully I can get it. My email address is
You are crazy!
There’s that offbeat sense of humor.
I know I can, I know I can. You can do it keep trying the letters are getting better.
We will be sending you to WAA and AAA.
I can’t wait to read your book about your life and family.
I will write one about how to have a new kid by Wednesday.
Didn’t I send you a book about children and homework? It didn’t work for me but I had high hopes for you.
Pales in comparison to my book: “How to have six new kids in 1812”
You could always write about a poor little girl who’s hearts desire is a silver Christmas Tree. And about the loving family who finds. one for her and arrange for her to have it…
And then again, maybe NOT!
Act like I’m an agent and send me a copy of your book.
I want to read it too. Sister and I will tell you if it is good or not and what you need to do to improve it.
Who would want to read that?
You forgot to send it to me to read.
Congratulations! I would be doing a dance too!
Yay you!
Did you write about owls?
I realize that I’m a little late to the party on this post, but I have a gifted middle schooler who reads a lot of books (considering the fact that he consumed with x-box live). I would love to read THE JUNKMAN’S DAUGHTER and I have the perfect target audience right here in my own home. Why not get a middle schooler’s and his mom’s perspective? : )
Bonsoir mademoiselle Zolliegirl
….Lisa D
…..I wish you well on your book
…would very much like to read it…I have been. following your musings ….and it lightens my heart to find you remain the intelligent wonder I have always admired. You See things that others miss…. Quite an accomplishment For a livingston girl born with no eyes
Such a joy to read this! I’m having a YA novel published this fall as well. I will back you in prayer as you follow this crazy road!
Congratulations! We need to have coffee. I want to hear all about it.
I’m having this little event called Holidays in the Hills. We would LOVE for you to come for a book signing.
Wow, thanks for sharing re: Mary Faulkner. I hadn’t heard of her before, but I’m glad the record is held by a woman! Go team. 🙂
Best of luck to you on NaNo.
Hi Lisa, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your experience with Susan Hawk thus far. She’s contacted me regarding writing/illustrating and I would love to pick your brain. Is this contact forum a good place to do that or do you have a separate email address that would be better? thanks much,
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me udnesratnd the issues.
That’s wonderful Lisa. Look forward to hearing great things. That’s something to be very proud of…
Weaves? I think you mean woven. 🙂
Hope you get some good news soon, Lisa!
Good for you!
Love this! So sweetly written. 🙂
I want to see a moon pie story!
Thanks for the shout out! Now, back to my drawing. ; )
It’s so exciting to know when another writer has gotten a contract! I’m still floating on Cloud 9 from mine, but I’m also like, “Great! Now it has to sell!” And that’s where the freak-our wants to explode because the market is fickle and reading is down. But I’m also keeping in mind that I’m in this for the readers, so I will appreciate every single reader who stumbles upon my book and loves it. I will not take a single one of them for granted.
I am certainly following you to read updates about your book!
The way Susan Hawk wrote about it, doesn’t seem like you need to worry. Your book sounds like a whole lot of a-w-esome.- Congrats.
Nice to meet you. Congratulations. It is always inspiring and motivating to read such good news.
Congratulations. I came over from the agency’s blog. How exciting. I have a children’s and teens’ book blog, so I hope you’ll keep me in mind when you’re looking for places to promote your book.
Best wishes,
I am so very proud of you!!!
Our first author in the family congratulations.
YES!!!!! Congratulations LT! So proud of your perseverance and patience. Can’t wait to get a copy into my hands – and the hands of all my family and friends!
Loved “Ocean.” Then again, I loved everything that I have read by Gaiman. The man is a genius.
Thanks for posting this. Great to hear your thoughts and words of inspiration. I love the bit about stories not existing until the writers write them. It’s awesome and true!
Thanks for posting this, such a good reminder for all of us writers of the complexities that go into making selections 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to post this and be a mentor!
So positive and inspiring. Thanks for adding some sunshine to a hard world.
Great post, Lisa. Nice to read such a positive outlook. Good luck with PW mentoring and your deadlines!
Thanks in support of sharing such a nice opinion, article is pleasant,
thats why i have read it fully
I had a great-great aunt named Britimert.
What a wonderful accomplishment. I will be sure to get a copy and read it once it’s release.
I can’t wait to read about Lou, and her crazy family.
My parents, Oblo and Crateena. The only one of each of those names on the planet as far as I know! Congrats on the book Lisa. Very exciting!
[…] call a “hoot. I have a few hoots in my own family tree. Last week I mentioned the story of John and how his death resulted in some of the worst-named children in history. Today I want to tell you […]
My grandmother’s name was Zuleima, no jokeL
I absolutely love the design of the cover! Scary and beautiful at the same time. Congratulations – and looking forward to read the book!
This is so great! I had no idea why Granny was named AG, that’s crazy! I’m so excited to learn more about our family!
Hey Katie! Your grandmother and my great grandfather are brother and sister!
That is so interesting!!1 What a coincidence! Great pics too! She was a winner.
Research your family can be so interesting our family has lot of interesting people in it.
Wow! How interesting is that! God always gives cool twists to things. Proud of your success!
My grandmother (who married her second cousin son of Rhoda ) said that Rhoda was just jealous and he was a good old man. I think he just quit drinking and changed when he got too old or that the divorce petition scared him.
You could have left out the part where she married her second cousin! 🙂 Let’s hope you’re right and he cleaned up his act.
[…] if we were coming to the Andrew Halfacre memorial immediately following the reunion. (You remember Andrew, my great-great grandfather? He was the one who was accused of running around with numerous lewd […]
I love reading your history blogs. Have i missed the story about, John, resulting into OZ, QT, QX, AG, TIPPYS TOPPYS,, and TOE TOE. Crazy family you claim.
Enjoying your blog. Looking forward to seeing your book in print. See you in July.
i like the idea of anti-social….but then you just told me the way around it, rendering it 100% useless…. 🙂
I just read Last in a Long Line of Rebels and absolutely loved it!! Great job on the supporting characters and weaving the mystery and the historical issues in with current day issues. It has been a while since I read a book where the supportng characters were just as amazing as the main and you rocked it!! Thank you! I truly enjoyed reading this book!
Wow! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I’m going to post it on my Facebook wall this very second. 🙂
Love your post, you have my heart.
Love your post, you have my heart. I gate my phone
[…] Lisa Lewis- Tyre […]
[…] Lisa Lewis- Tyre […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
Pumped! MG Rules!
[…] N.K. Traver4. Kristin B. Wright5. Laura Heffernan6. Mary Ann Marlowe7. Joy McCullough-Carranza8. Lisa Lewis-Tyre9. Jenni L. Walsh (co-mentoring with Trisha Leaver)10. Sarah Glenn Marsh11. Julie C. Dao12. Kellye […]
[…] Lisa Lewis- Tyre MG […]
[…] Tweets with images get retweeted 150% more often and it doesn’t get any easier than Spruce. This is very similar to another product I love – wordswag. […]
[…] Lisa Lewis- Tyre […]
[…] out there. And speaking of that, another writer friend’s having a book birthday today: Lisa Lewis Tyre and Last in a Long Line of Rebels! She’s also promised to stop by with her book so stay tuned. […]
[…] read more about REBELS, or to see a review, visit my Books […]
[…] the way it was when I met Lisa Lewis Tyre, and when her first book came out this month—LAST IN A LONG LINE OF REBELS—I had to invite her to come and share this delightful middle grade novel as well as her […]
Thanks for hosting this, Lisa. I look forward to next Wednesday!
I don’t blog about writing, but I’ll put your party on my calendar so I won’t miss out on all the fun!
[…] To get to Lisa’s blog and see the full menu of blog topics, click here. […]
I loved this book it was absolutly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Lisa–Every Christmas I give my niece an age-appropriate book, preferably signed by the author. I’d like to give her Last in a Long Line of Rebels this year. Do you have a hometown bookstore that would ship me a signed copy? Thanks!
Lucy Winnowski Sean, I am so happy with you for to start with reading this book.
Thanks for this. This is the only recent info I could find on word count for MG.
Lou was a special young lady, and your book is just as special. Good luck on your tour!
[…] For more information, visit Lisa Lewis Tyre. […]
[…] Writers ages 11 to 13 are invited to submit short stories to The Bertie writing contest. […]
This book is awsome, everyone has to read the book. I hope there is the sequel
i do too!
are you allowed to chose any topic?
Yes! As long as there are two characters from different generations, and it’s under 1500 words, you will be fine. Thanks!
Can the characters be animals
Sure! As long as the animals are from different generations. Go for it!
Can the story be exactly 1,500 words or does it need to be less than that? Thanks!
1,500 words is perfect! Thanks!
When are you posting the finalists?
The Bertie Short List (Finalists) are on the home page. It went live this morning. The prize winners will be announced on May 15th!
[…] his house had to be torn down to get him out. What else could she do but write? Find her on her website or on […]
[…] his house had to be torn down to get him out. What else could she do but write? Find her on her website or on […]
[…] his house had to be torn down to get him out. What else could she do but write? Find her on her website or on […]
[…] The Bertie, a short-story contest for 11-13 year olds, was founded by Mafia member, Lisa Lewis Tyre. The contest was named after Bertie, a grandmother, who is one of the most beloved characters in her book, LAST IN A LONG LINE OF REBELS. […]
Hi, I am doing a book report about the Last in a Long line of rebels and for the book report I need to know about your biography, could you write your biography?
I enjoyed it the second time, almost as much as the first.
The book was outstanding. Historical fiction at its finest. I would definitely read a sequel if one came out.
[…] 3. Lisa Lewis Tyre […]
[…] 3. Lisa Lewis Tyre […]
[…] Lisa Lewis Tyre […]
[…] Welcome […]
[…] 3. Lisa Lewis Tyre […]
[…] Lisa Lewis Tyre […]
[…] Lisa Lewis Tyre […]
[…] PS: If you are looking for a free curriculum guide for REBELS, click here. […]
Cordell Roosevelt is my great grandfather and his parents are my great great grandparents.
I don’t like reading but this book is something great it was awesome I hope theirs a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a question. is there going to be a series?
i hope so! i really loved the first book. it was so lol!
OH. i better introduced myself. my name is Chloe Anderson and i live on pine road!
Well ok but I don’t think you will be a good friend with me. Sorry!
Oh.ok.but maybe we could give it a try to be friends.
Thank you for commenting. The book was sold as a “Stand-alone” but I have a new book coming out Spring, 2018. Thanks again!
great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your book soooooooooooo much!
Hi Lisa,
When will the next writing contest be open for 11 yr olds?
It will open September 1st! Good luck!
Thanks, great article.
If you will send me something to take to local schools. ( SSI). I will cheerfully deliver and proselytize
The link to FAT Reels doesn’t work. Curious where my daughter can upload her story?
Sorry! There was an issue on the backend but it’s working now!
Tell your daughter I wish her good luck! ?
Could it be possible that the general guidelines link isn’t working either?
Hi! The general guidelines are written in the post. The only link you need is the one to upload your story. If for some reason it doesn’t work above, copy and paste this: in your URL. Let me know if you have other problems!
This sounds incredible! It has always been my dream to be an author, and this contest sounds so fun!
When do you announce the winner?
Has the winner been announced? If so, where was it listed?
Our daughter has been wondering how she fared in the writing competition and I have been unable to answer her question.
Thanks for entering The Bertie! I’ve put the entries into their two categories,( 10/11 and 12/13) and are sending them to the judges. They’ll each read their entries and pick their tops, then all of the judges will read all of the top contenders. The judges will send me the winner’s list and it will be announced at the end of the month – on Halloween!
Sweet! Thanks for letting me know! Ooh I’m so excited!!
Who won?
How will I know if I win? Will I get an email or…
Hi Campbell! I will announce the winners ‘names on Middle-Grade Mafia on Tuesday, October 31. Good luck!!
Congratulations to all who won! I didn’t win unfortunately, but I had a great time!
So sweet and inspiring…and sooo true! 🙂
Where’s the link for the story upload?
Hi! The most recent post on has the link, but I’m posting it here, too.
Good luck!
Hello, Can you tell me when the link will be posted for the 2018 contest? Thank you!
The link has been live since September 1st. It’s on the most recent post at
Good luck!
hi can you tele when the winner will be announced ?
Yes! The judges will send me the winners and I will post them on October 31st! Good luck!
owo owo owo hOIIIIIIIIII111!!!!!!
Just found your wonderful history musing. Have you read TTU professors Dr. Birdwell and Dr. Dickenson’s book of the Cumberland People? Rural Life and Culture in the Upper Cumberland ? Excellent. My family is from the Higland Rim. Unique and fun to research.
Hi Lisa,
How do we submit my daughter’s short story to Fat Reels? There doesn’t seem to be anywhere that we can upload it. My daughter wrote the story on Word.
Thanks for any insight!
I’m Joshua Ford writer of Class President and I joined the 12 & 13 Bertie contest at Sammy McClure Middle School and I was a special shout out winner and it said you could get a free autographed book and I would love to read last in a long line of rebels
Hi I’m Joshua and I was a special shout-out winner for the Sammy McClure Bertie contest on March 30th and the said you could get a free autographed book singed and I was hoping to get Last in a long line of rebels hopefully I can get it. My email address is
I’m also descended from George Reed through his son Robert who married Agnes Cathay
They are now moving the Graves of Andrew halfacer .