Thank you to everyone who entered The Bertie! Whoo Hoo! I don’t know if you can tell but I’m pretty excited about this contest.
Although I’m not a judge, I did sneak a peek at the entries and WOW. You guys are amazing! I was blown away and I know the judges will be, too.
The entries are on their way to the Middle-Grade Mafia! They’ll be divided between the judges where they’ll each pick their top faves. Then they will read all of the chosen ones to make their final decisions.
Waiting is hard, but if you want to be a writer, get used to it. When a book is chosen by an agent, she sends it to editors and publishers for them to read. That’s called having your manuscript “on-submission.” Writers love being on-submission but we HATE waiting. My first book, Last In A Long Line of Rebels, was on-submission for months! It won’t take the Mafia that long, the winners will be announced October 31, on Halloween. But writers have a secret that keeps us from going crazy – we keep writing. So while you’re waiting to see how you did, keep writing. You may or not win this contest, but you’ll have awesome stories to share, and that’s the most important thing of all!
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