Bertie, Bertie, Bertie!

The Bertie is almost here! For those of you who are aren’t aware, I host a short-story writing contest each year for students, 10 – 13 years old. Traditionally, this contest has been held in September, but we’ve moved the date. That’s right – The Bertie begins on January 21st! Here’s the 411 –




A Short Story Contest for students ages 10 – 13*

(*The contest will be split into two categories based on age – 10/11 and 12/13!)

Entries accepted January 21, 2020 – February 21, 2020

The lovely folks at FatReels (seriously, check out their highlight reels, FABULOUS) have agreed to oversee the technical aspects of the contest again. They’ll be creating a form where you can upload your story. The link goes live on the 21st! You’ll find it here>


It couldn’t be a contest without awesome judges! I am pleased to have the Middle Grade Mojo folks along for this journey. They will be judging the entries, as well as providing some writing advice on what they’re looking for, and more. Yay, Mojo!

And finally, again, thank you to my terrific sponsor –

Winnwood Retirement

They’ve agreed to sponsor The Bertie again this year and are providing $600.00 dollars in prize money! Whoo Hoo.



Winnwood Retirement is an amazing place so if you know of seniors in the Atlanta area, tell them to check it out!



Past winners!

General Guidelines

The submission window is between January 21 and February 21, 2020.

Writers may submit only one story per contest year.

Stories must be written by only one writer.

Writers must be ages 10, 11, 12, or 13 years old.

Previously submitted or published stories will not be accepted.

Story must be no longer than 1500 words in total.

Story MUST contain a senior citizen (65 or older) as a character,  no matter how minor.

PLEASE NOTE – You will upload your story at Fat Reels.  The form will be live on January 21st.

Subscribe or check back for more info, tips, judges’ advice, etc.!


One Comment

  1. Diane Schulert said:

    Hi Lisa,
    How do we submit my daughter’s short story to Fat Reels? There doesn’t seem to be anywhere that we can upload it. My daughter wrote the story on Word.
    Thanks for any insight!

    February 20, 2020

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